We all fall into our own ways of working. Some people work with Post-it notes and scraps of paper all over their desks. While others like to keep everything digital. There’s no right or wrong way of doing things when it comes to productivity, and we all have our preferences. If you’re looking to have a rethink about ways to be more productive in 2021:

Here are three great apps that can help:


Lets you easily track your time so you can see how much time you’re spending on different tasks. Whether you want to see which clients are eating up your time, or how long you spend on video calls every day, Toggl makes it super quick and easy to keep an eye on where your time is going. Understanding where your time goes is the first step to making your time work better for you.

Microsoft Planner:

It lets you set up ‘boards’, ‘lists’, and ‘cards’ and gives you the freedom to use them pretty much however you want. It’s a very flexible tool. Planner is especially great for work, teamwork, and project management. It’s included with your 365 account and can be integrated with Microsoft Teams, allowing all your work to be done in one place.


If you’re anything like us, you’re constantly bombarded with links to articles and websites that you simply don’t have the time to read straight away. Pocket is a great app that lets you quickly file away and categorise any links that you want to come back to later. It’s available as a browser extension as well as a mobile app for iOS and Android.

If you need any further help in making technology work better for you, contact us now.

Have any tips on better apps? Leave a comment below, you may just help someone out!

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