What you need to know about Windows 11

Microsoft announced Windows 11 during their keynote on 24 June 2021. Many users have taken their time to adopt Windows 10, with many still lagging behind on the defunct Windows 7. What can we expect with the new OS and should you upgrade?

What has changed?

Windows 11 has had a major User Interface overhaul, with Microsoft trying to make the OS more modern feeling and creating a far better experience for Tablet Mode users on Windows. The Start Menu has moved to the center of the Taskbar, the windows have a far more aero look to them and, probably one of the coolest updates, Windows 11 supports the ability to have multiple desktops. Oh, Microsoft Teams is also built into the OS, making the experience for work far more seamless as well.

How much is Windows 11?

Microsoft hasn’t released official pricing for the new OS as of yet, but we aren’t expecting it to be priced any differently to the current Windows 10, so around R3,000. With that being said, it seems as though Windows 10 users should have the ability to upgrade for free, although this hasn’t been officially confirmed as of yet. Pricing will be revealed soon and we will keep an eye out for it.

Should I upgrade?

This is a bit of a difficult question to answer and as always, it depends. For those of us that enjoy being at the cusp of innovation and new technology, it is a no brainer to run the upgrade. Those that are slightly more cautious or run mission critical systems should probably wait for the advice from their IT professionals. Thankfully, Microsoft has decided to support Windows 10 until 2025, so there’s no real rush to upgrade. Not all systems will be able to upgrade due to restrictions placed by Microsoft on boot security and hardware, so also check with your IT professionals before running to ensure compatibility.

What should your business do

Simply, wait! If you already have Windows 10 and your business wants to upgrade to Windows 11, you’ll need to be patient. Overall, we are excited to test the new OS and run it through its paces. We are expecting the new look to take a bit of getting used to, but expect the designers to have really done a good job. We always welcome new innovation and cannot wait to see what Microsoft’s new OS has to offer.

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