The world has become more interconnected, mostly thanks to the internet and technological advances. And, while this is generally looked at as positive development, there are people that will try and use this tech to be malicious. Implementing proper cyber security systems and procedures can help your business save costs, support company growth, improve compliance, minimise downtime and give you peace of mind.
Book your free IT assessmentA brief overview of some of the services we offer to secure your data.
Local backups are backups that are only performed on-site. They rarely have multiple copies and are considered the "least-safe".
The benefit of local backups is that recovering files is generally a far quicker process than recovering them from an online or remote location.
Cloud backups are considered the most secure way of protecting your data as the information is stored away from your premises.
Potential local disasters, such as earthquakes or fires, will not damage data stored in the cloud. Your data will always be available for recovery, but could possibly take longer than a local backup.
Hybrid backups are a combination of local and cloud backup systems, keeping local and cloud versions of your data.
This isn't always needed and can cost more, but it does give you the best of both plans, allowing quick recovery of files and the safety of offsite data.
Blockchain – It’s a system built on the simple idea that if everyone can see what’s happening, it’s much harder for anyone to cheat.
You might notice that your device is running more like a snail or a tortoise than the Sea Biscuit it once was.
Companies throw “Remote Work” around like it’s a default setting. But here’s the reality—most businesses aren’t actually set up for it.
We know cyber security is a bit of a grudge purchase, but sooner or later, you’re going to need it. And if you don’t, you’ll wish you did.