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Last time, we talked about why your password is basically useless on its own. Spoiler: hackers are getting smarter, and passwords just aren’t enough anymore. Today, let’s take that conversation a step further by looking at how you can secure your devices and accounts while working from anywhere—home, coffee shops, the bar, co-working spaces, you name it.

Passwords Are Just the Start

As we discussed before, having the world’s strongest password won’t protect you on its own. And with many of us working remotely, from wherever we happen to be, we’re exposing our devices to more risks than ever. Whether you’re working from your favourite restaurant or your living room couch, the key is to secure all points of access.

Why Work-from-Everywhere Security Matters

Every time you work outside a secured office network, your data—and potentially your company’s data—is vulnerable. Home Wi-Fi? Often easier for hackers to breach than corporate systems. Public Wi-Fi? Even riskier.

So, what can we do to minimise our risk?

  1. Use MFA Everywhere (Seriously!): Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a must-have. Even if a hacker gets hold of your password, they’ll hit a dead end without that extra factor. Set up MFA on all your work accounts to make unauthorized access nearly impossible.
  2. Beware of Public Wi-Fi: If you’re working outside your home, avoid public Wi-Fi whenever possible. Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to encrypt your connection can help, but make sure that all traffic is encrypted, not just certain things. Public networks are notoriously insecure and an easy way for hackers to intercept your data.
  3. Keep Devices Updated: Security patches and updates are released for a reason—don’t skip them. These updates help fix vulnerabilities, which are entry points hackers often exploit.
  4. Let IT Know: Sometimes you must work while abroad, so let IT know when and where. They can prepare any security policies for your account that will be needed to keep it secure while you’re away.

Securing Work-from-Anywhere Isn’t Complicated, But It’s Essential

Think of security as a slice of Swiss cheese. Each slice on its own has holes—vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. But when you stack multiple slices together, the holes start to overlap less, creating a solid barrier. This is exactly how security works: each layer may have gaps, but combined, they create a much tougher wall to break through.

Your password is one slice, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is another, and securing your devices and network are more slices. Alone, each layer has weaknesses, but stacked together, they make it much harder for a hacker to slip through the gaps.

In today’s world, where we work from everywhere, these security layers aren’t just nice to have—they’re essential.



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